Web Design and Development for E-Commerce and Business Website
Dive With Us is a PADI dive shop in Frankfurt. They offer dive equipment online, are a PADI licensed dive center and function as a travel agency for scuba diving holidays.
- Tools
Adobe XD
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
WooCommerce - Responsibilities
A complete re-design of their website and the implementation of their online shop in combination with a strong focus on UX design. The client wished to keep their logos and to build a stronger CI through the new website. I also created a basic SEO strategy for them which helped them to increase their original ranking. The main challenge was to create a fun site which combines picture-heavy contents with a wide variety of product offers. I chose WordPress because the client wished to be able to fill and change the shop contents themselves.
In the second step we designed and built an online store from the scratch using WooCommerce. We also integrated a shop-management system to keep track of their 4000+ products. I was responsible for every step including planning, designing and developing.
- Websites